Elysian drop troops models

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I replaced for the most part, Teleport with Self Planetfall, but with a few restrictions, so it would not be abused. I also wanted to give their somewhat very fragile sentinals a bit more durability, and weapons flexability. I was looking to remove the over use of Teleport, without hamstringing them. I fistly looked at available Proxies for the models that would be needed for this army, and how many models are in the standard packs being sold (Vanguard were set as the benchmark). I looked at the various drop lists about Elysian, Harkoni Warhawks, Mirali Skyraiders, and Mobile Forces of the Catachan Army. The list has not been developed or follwed up for a number of years. I was asked to start a new test list for the Elysian Drop troop Army, as many have complained of it having to many units that can teleport.